Luxor African Film Festival: Against all odds
Ahram Online ○ 17 March 2020
The Egyptian short film Habib directed by Shady Fouad seems to focus on a psychological rather than a political situation. It is the story of an old barber, Habib (Sayed Ragab), who works in a very poor district. His shop is part of his small flat. The filmmaker stresses the humorous nature of the character to show his joi de vivre. He has a wonderful relationship with his customers, and will occasionally leave them mid-haircut to check on his wife (Salwa Mohamed Ali) in the living room. The drama peaks when he decides to take a wedding photo with his wife wearing her wedding dress and him the a new expensive wedding suit. Only then does the film reveal that his wife died a long time ago. Though the narrative is simple and predictable, the acting is outstanding.
In the Short Films Competition, the Egyptian film Habib directed by Shady Fouad won a special mention for the acting performance.