Extra Safe

Short Film - 2019
Directed By: Nouran Sherif

Noha is a single woman in her twenties who, reluctantly and shyly, waits her turn in a queue to pay for a condom. Facing the annoyance of a female customer demanding that she hides the "embarrassing thing" during their wait and the shock of her own mother who coincidentally showed up at the pharmacy, the events of the film escalate.
Awards & Festivals:
  • Malmo Arab Film Festival − 2019
  • Sudan Independent Film Festival − SUDAN − 2020
  • Aswan Women Film Festival − EGYPT − 2020
  • Dieciminuti Film Festival − 2020
  • The First Edition of Jerusalem Arab Film Festival
  • Silicon Valley African Film Festival
  • Dances with Films Festival

Salwa Mohamed Ali
Salwa Mohamed Ali
Tharaa Goubil
Tharaa Goubil

  • Screenplay: Moudy Raouf
  • Cinematographer: Abdel Rahman Latif
  • Production Designer: Bassem Hany
  • Music: Ahmed El - Sawy
  • Producer: Safei Eldin Mahmoud
  • Stylist: Fadwa Rafiq
  • Editor: Emad Maher
